The naked truth about antipodean white nationalistic politics.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jim Saleam "no good in the sack" - reason for Australia First split

Overheard by one of our "under the bed" reporters

"Erectile dysfunction" is the cause cited by "Princess" Di Teasdale of the recent separation of the NSW branch of the Australia First Party. "Jimbo just couldn't get it up" stated the sultry Di as the main reason for the split in the unmade bed that is Australian ultra right politics.

A distraught Di may tease but Jim won't rise to the occasion.

Jim Saleam - soft in the salami department?


Anonymous said...

Jim you cad!!! How could you leave poor Di like this?

Anonymous said...

c'mon, even fat old frumpy racist pigs need a jolly good rogering from time to time. Hell hath no fury like a cow in the throes of a good hot flash. IF YOU DON'T PORK THE PORK, YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR SALAMI, JIMBO!